3/3-6 - Read Across America Week
3/7 - No School
3/10 - Smorgasbord Dinner & Concert
3/11 - Holyoke SCAP SSR
3/14 - No School
3/17-20 - No School Spring Break
3/28 - No School - PT Conferences
Elementary Newsletter
3/3-6 - Read Across America Week
3/7 - No School
3/10 - Smorgasbord Dinner & Concert
3/11 - Holyoke SCAP SSR
3/14 - No School
3/17-20 - No School Spring Break
3/28 - No School - PT Conferences
Email: kammeran@hcosd.org
Read Across America!
We love teaching your child to read and continuing that love of reading throughout the year. Please have your child(ren) participate in the dress up days for the week of March 3rd.
Monday, March 3rd - Hat or crazy hair day
Tuesday, March 4th - Dress as your favorite book character or as something you want to be when you get older.
Wednesday, March 5th - Wacky Wednesday
Thursday, March 6th - PJ’s or dress as a farmer
We are so thankful that you make education a priority for your child(ren)!
If you have any questions or would like to visit with me, please call the elementary office 854-3411 or email me at kammeran@hcosd.org.
Thank you,
Mrs. Kammer
Holyoke S-CAP SSR - March 11th
On Tuesday, March 11th, the Holyoke School District will be participating in a virtual Student Centered Accountability Program (S-CAP) through the System Support Reviews (SSR). We will be asking for parents to participate in answering some questions by the other districts participating in our review. Please contact the elementary office (854-3411), if you are interested in helping. Thank you for considering!
Parent Teacher Conferences - March 28th
On Friday, March 28th, there will be parent teacher conferences from noon to 8PM. Please know you will be getting a letter in the mail with the conference time set with your child(ren) teacher(s). If the time(s) does not work for you and your family, please call the elementary office to reschedule a time.
Thank you for working with us to make sure your child(ren) gets the best education possible.
Healthy Snack
Please make sure to send a healthy snack with your child(ren) to school. We are seeing an influx of takis, chips, cookies, and other unhealthy items being brought. The purpose of snacks is for our kids to get an energy boost and help support their brain. If your child is in need of a healthy snack and does not get breakfast daily, he or she can get breakfast and have that as a snack later in the day! It’s free and healthy!
There is no soda allowed in the cafeteria, so if you are bringing lunch for your child or if your child brings a sack lunch, they are not allowed to have soda.
Thank you for your help and understanding!
Counselor Corner - Mr. Hines
Sources of Strength guidance lessons will continue with unit 3. Unit 3 for Kindergarten through second grade is “We Can Make a Difference" and Unit 6 for third through sixth grade is “Positive Friends.” Students will also work on Xello. If you would like your child to visit with Mr. Hines on a regular basis, please reach out to him by phone or email.
You can contact Mr. Hines at (970) 854-3411 and by email hineslo@hcosd.org.
Weather - Inside or Outside?
With the weather always changing, we have set guidelines to help us make a decision when students will be inside for recess. Please make sure your child(ren) is dressed appropriately for the weather. If it is or feels like 20 degrees or below, students will be inside for recess.
Student Expectations at Games
Please remember that it is a privilege for our students to participate in athletics and activities. It is also a privilege for students to attend events and support their peers. When our students attend a home athletic event or activity, it is the responsibility of the parents to make sure their child(ren) are sitting down with them. Please do not allow your child(ren) to run around during these events as it does create a safety issue. Students who are asked more than once, may be asked to leave the event or activity.
We would also like to ask that students pick up their trash during and after the game. There are several trash cans located around the gym and we would greatly appreciate the help in getting it picked up.
Drop off and pick up
Please use yellow zones for dropping kids off. Do NOT park in the yellow zones. If you want to walk your child to the front door of the school, please park in a parking spot and not the yellow zones.
After school, please make sure to pull over in a parking spot to pick up your child. We have staff helping fill in as a crossing guard, so please let them help your son or daughter cross the street.
Opt out Form for State Testing
We will be starting state assessments on Tuesday, April 7th, 2025. If you do not want your child to take the state assessment, you will need to fill out the form on the following link by March 15, 2025.
OR go to www.hcosd.org, “Home”, “Board of Education”, “Board Policies”, “Section I - Instruction”, “IKA-E”.
Next Year - Letter to Mrs. Kammer
As a school district and school, we are committed to educating each and every student to realize his or her full potential, become a responsible and productive citizen, and a lifelong learner. In carrying out this mission, we value and encourage your input into your child’s education. As we begin to work on class lists for next school year, please know our staff works hard to make sure we place students with the teacher that works best with your child as well as make sure students who do not work well together are separated. We value your input into your child’s classroom placement. If you have a major concern, please write a letter to me addressing one or more of the following points.
Educational environment that best suits your child,
Your child’s learning style,
Characteristics of a teacher that best meets your child’s needs,
Student(s) you would like your child separated from (if possible),
A teacher the parent(s) does not want for their child, and rationale.
Please submit letters of concern by Thursday, April 3rd, 2025. Please note that letters submitted after this time frame will not be considered within our class placement procedures. Also understand if your child is in 5th or 6th grade your child will rotate between classrooms throughout the day.
Thank you for your partnership in the education of your child.
Mrs. Andrea Kammer
Holyoke Elementary Principal
If your child needs medicine during the school day, it is required for you to get a “Permission for Medication Administration at School and Child Care” form from the office to be filled out and signed by your doctor. This would include but not limited to Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Cough Drops, inhalers, eye drops, etc. If you have any questions, please call the office at 970-854-3411.
Just as a reminder, your child should be fever or symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school.
LEARNERS is a word we will be focusing on at Holyoke Elementary. LEARNERS stands for…
Learn from mistakes
Evaluate work
Ask questions and accept challenges
Receive and respond to feedback
Never give up!
Effort matters
Reach goals
State what we’re learning
For the month of March, we are focusing on “R” Reach goals.
We are The Dragons and we Soar to excellence! SOAR stands for…
For the rest of the school year, we are focusing on all parts of S.O.A.R.